Get Involved

There is no “Public Safety” without the Public.

To accomplish our violence prevention and reduction goals, the entire community must be involved. Community members can productively participate in Rochester’s Public Safety efforts in many different ways. Read on to learn about the latest volunteer and engagement opportunities.

Apply for the Flower City AmeriCorps

Flower City AmeriCorps offers a year-long paid apprenticeship in the field of human services. After orientation, members will embark on a hands-on apprenticeship at a local nonprofit or government agency where they will receive mentorship and training in one of the specialized service areas: community building, economic opportunity, health and wellness, or positive youth development.

Be a Mentor. Find a Mentor.

The Mayor’s Mentor UP! Gala is an exceptional free event supported by local chapters of international fraternities, community agencies, residents, area colleges, and business leaders. This red-carpet gathering serves as a pivotal platform for forging connections, where youth ages 14-18 can interact with peers and local leaders in a formal, enjoyable, and relaxed atmosphere. The event strives to facilitate natural mentor-mentee pairings that can lead to internships and job prospects for local high school students.

Become a Part of Rochester’s Police and Citizens-Together Against Crime (PAC-TAC) Volunteers

The Rochester Police Department (RPD) and community partners are working together to keep Rochester safe. Police and Citizens-Together Against Crime (PAC-TAC) needs your help in order to make a difference in our community.

Donate to or Volunteer with the Rochester Peace Collective

The Rochester Peace Collective is a collaborative effort that guides investments from local funding organizations into innovative and proven programs that work to prevent violent crimes.

Enroll in Community Emergency Response Team Training

This program was created to make communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to the threats of terrorism, crime, public health issues, and disasters of all kinds. 

Get your Kids Involved with the RPD’s “On The Same Team” Program

The Rochester Police Department (RPD) provides several opportunities for young people ages 14 through college to help engage with Rochester’s youth to further enhance positive police interactions. Young people are the future of our City and need to know that we are on the same team. 

Help a Young Person in your Life Change Bad Habits and Choose Peace with the Pathways to Peace Program 

If you have a friend or family member who is in trouble with violence, drugs or gangs, or know about a dispute that is ongoing or about to happen, get in touch with Pathways to Peace.

In the news: Pathways to Peace promotes hope amid violence

If You See Something, Say Something! Provide Information and Help Keep Our Neighborhoods Safe

If you know anything about any criminal activity, call Crime Stoppers at (585) 423-9300. No one will ask your name and you may earn a cash reward if your information leads to an arrest. You will not be required to testify and you will not be identified.

For non-emergency criminal activity, you can also provide anonymous information via ReportIt.

Join Other Latinx and African American Professionals in Mentoring RCSD Students Through Pillars of Hope

Pillars of Hope are local African-American and Latinx professionals who volunteer to visit Rochester City School District (RCSD) schools, share their experiences and provide positive support to the students.

Join Your Neighborhood’s Police Citizen Interaction Committee

The Police Citizen Interaction Committee (PCIC) meetings are where police Captains, section staff and representatives from various neighborhood groups convene to discuss crime patterns, quality of life issues, environmental concerns, problem locations and crime statistics. Meetings are intended to be interactive, where everyone is encouraged to participate in an open dialogue.

Nominate a Student for a “Do the Right Thing” Award

The goal of the Do the Right Thing program is to foster positive relationships between local law enforcement and youth in the community in an effort to end cycles of violence. The Do the Right Thing Awards program recognizes school-aged youth for their bravery, courage and valor, such as volunteering, aiding law enforcement or other first responders, acts of heroism, leadership and positive role model behavior.

Provide Summer Intern Opportunities for Local Youth

We are actively recruiting worksites that can provide opportunities for youth interns from our program to engage in real-world work experiences in the community. The cost of employee wages is covered by the City of Rochester. The worksites are solely responsible for providing their interns with a meaningful work experience through coaching and mentoring. 

Reach Out When you are in Need – Crisis Intervention Services are here to Help

The CISU provides response, support, intervention, and resource information to those affected by crisis, trauma, and crime. Scene response, mental and behavioral health response, and victim assistance are just some of the services offered.

Register your Budding Entrepreneur in the Biz Kid$ Program

The Biz Kid$ program provides interactive, applied business and entrepreneurial education to city youth ages 10-18. Keeping youth-focused, working towards goals and offering opportunities are key components to violence prevention. 

Sign Up for Programs and Activities with the Department of Recreation and Human Services

Keeping our youth entertained, engaged and curious is key to keeping them safe. The City of Rochester’s new R-Central online system makes it easier than ever to search, view, explore, enroll and pay for recreation programs, camps, leagues, activities and more!

Volunteer to Help your Local R-Center Provide Services and Programs to your Neighborhood  

The Recreation Bureau always needs and benefits from volunteers at its R-Centers. Make a difference for our urban youth! If you are interested in volunteering, download the application.  

Volunteer to Help Implement the Recommendations of the Commission on Racial and Structural Equity (RASE)

Join a Community Advancing Recommendation Team and be a part of the collaboration between the Urban League, City of Rochester, Monroe County, and Rochester City School District to move the RASE recommendations ahead across our community. Click here for more information.

More Partners

OVP Collaborative: Local Organizations

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