Rochester Stories

Rochester stories: Meet Katisha

Meet Katisha, who urges fellow parents to get involved. The impact of violence in our community has left no one untouched. It affects us all, directly or indirectly. Join fellow Rochestarians as they share their stories, propose solutions, and discuss how “choosing wisdom” over violence unlocks positive opportunities and saves lives.

What does “Choose Wisdom” mean to you?

“I have lost family members because of violence. Choosing wisdom means thinking before you act – literally. When somebody hurts you, you want to hurt them back – physically. But you can get somebody back by using a strategy instead actually physically doing something to them and ruining your own life.” — City Resident

Rochester stories: Meet Royal

Meet Royal, one of many voices determined to bring positive change. The impact of violence in our community has left no one untouched. It affects us all, directly or indirectly. Join fellow Rochestarians as they share their stories, propose solutions, and discuss how “choosing wisdom” over violence unlocks positive opportunities and saves lives.

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